Telomerase Detetion Service


Telomerase Detetion Service

Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of eukaryotic linear chromosomes that continue to shorten during DNA replication in each cell cycle, and telomere shortening to a critical length will result in programmed cell death. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for the progressive synthesis of telomeric DNA repeats (TTAGGG) at the 3' ends of linear chromosomes, reversing the loss of DNA during each round of replication. In normal human somatic cells, telomerase activity is generally at a low level. However, in more than 85% of human tumor cells, telomerase activity is significantly enhanced, inhibiting telomere shortening, stabilizing telomere length, gaining unlimited self-replication, and ultimately allowing cellular immortality. Creative Enzymes provides you with a variety of telomerase detetion service to meet your scientific research needs.

Overall Solutions

Abnormal telomerase activity is strongly associated with various human diseases, such as aplastic anemia, congenital dyskeratosis, myelodysplastic syndrome and adult-onset pulmonary fibrillation. Therefore, accurate detection of telomerase activity is essential for disease diagnosis.

Telomerase Detetion Service

  • DNAzymes have the advantages of simple programming, easy synthesis, easy modification, and multiple enzyme cycles that can be combined with other amplification methods to achieve cascade amplification. Creative Enzymes has developed a cascade amplification method for the detection of telomerase activity by combining DNAzyme-based amplification with CHA-based amplification.
  • Manganese dioxide nanosheets are used as nanocarriers to facilitate cellular uptake and delivery of both sets of amplified DNA strands to the same location in the cytoplasm.
  • Creative Enzymes can detect very low concentrations of telomerase, distinguishing tumor cells from normal cells and different types of cancer cells.

Service Process

Service Process

Our Features

  • For each custom project, we assign a team of expert chemists and biologists to help our partners define their research path and goals.
  • We also provide full assistance in realizing the scientific and business plan, as well as delivering the scientific and business plan.
  • Creative Enzymes is a leading enzyme technology company offering a trusted suite of services and solutions, especially with our extensive experience in telomerase detetion service.


  • Results raw data
  • Data analysis
  • Results analysis
  • Summary of relevant parameters

Why Choose Us?

Creative Enzymes is a professional telomerase detetion service provider, supporting a variety of telomerase detetion service. We are able to perform individual tests at the most precise level, as well as design and complete a suite of services as a solution to the subject project. Creative Enzymes has accumulated years of quintessence in the field of telomerase detetion service, helping our clients accelerate drug discovery and development and improve the overall success rate of their projects. If you would like to know more about this service, please feel free to contact us.


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