DNA Modifying Enzymes ChIP-Seq Analysis Service


Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a widely used technique for studying DNA-protein interactions and identifying genomic regions that are bound by specific proteins. Analysis of ChIP-Seq data generated from DNA modifying enzyme experiments can provide valuable insights into the role of these enzymes in chromatin remodeling and gene regulation. Creative Enzymes provides you with a variety of DNA modifying enzymes ChIP-seq analysis service to meet your scientific research needs.

ChIP Seq Analysis.Figure 1. ChIP Seq Analysis. (Nakato R, et al. 2021)


The principle of our DNA modifying enzyme ChIP-Seq analysis service is to provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the genomic regions bound by their enzymes and the role of these enzymes in chromatin remodeling and gene regulation. By peak calling and annotation of ChIP-Seq data, we can identify and annotate peaks with gene information and functional classes and perform differential binding analysis to identify changes in DNA-protein interactions under different experimental conditions.

Sepecific Assay Service We Offer

  • Quality control

We perform quality control checks on your ChIP-Seq data to ensure that it meets our strict quality standards. We check read mapping rates, repetition rates, and other quality metrics to ensure that the data is of high quality.

  • Peak calling

Based on ChIP-Seq data, we use state-of-the-art algorithms such as MACS2, SICER or HOMER to identify peaks. Peaks represent genomic regions rich in DNA-protein interactions and can provide valuable insights into the function of DNA-modifying enzymes.

  • Annotation

We use public databases such as GenBank or UCSC Genome Browser to annotate the identified peaks with gene information, functional categories and other relevant information. This step allows us to associate the identified peaks with specific genes and functional categories.

  • Differential binding analysis

We compare the binding patterns of your DNA modifying enzyme under different experimental conditions or between different samples to identify different binding events. These events allow us to understand the role of DNA modifying enzymes in chromatin remodeling and gene regulation.

Our Features

  • Customized Help With Design Plan
  • In house Next-Gen Sequencing
  • Comprehensive Bioinformatics
  • End-to-End Support From an Expert Team
  • Rapid Turnaround Times
  • Low Sample Input Compatible


  • Quality control metrics for ChIP-Seq data, including read mapping rates, duplication rates, and other relevant metrics.
  • A list of identified peaks, including their genomic location and statistical significance.

Why Choose Us?

At Creative Enzymes, our goal is to apply innovative technologies to custom DNA modifying enzymes ChIP-Seq analysis service. We offer innovative, flexible and scalable solutions that can meet the needs of our customers. We strive to meet this challenge as a global company that places a high priority on collaborative interactions, rapid delivery of solutions, and providing the highest level of quality. If you would like to know more about this service, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Nakato R, Sakata T. Methods for ChIP-seq analysis: a practical workflow and advanced applications. Methods, 2021, 187: 44-53.

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