DNA Modifying Enzymes Stability Analysis


Loss of genomic stability can lead to various diseases such as cancer, neurodegeneration and immune disorders. DNA modifying enzymes play a key role in maintaining genomic stability by regulating DNA replication, repair and recombination. Therefore, stability analysis of DNA modifying enzymes is essential to understand their role in maintaining genome stability. Creative Enzymes offers a comprehensive DNA modifying enzyme DNA modifying enzymes stability analysis service that can handle even the most challenging samples.

Overall Solutions

We offer a comprehensive DNA modifying enzyme stability analysis service, providing a detailed understanding of the stability and function of DNA modifying enzymes. Our team has experience with a variety of experimental techniques and can customize your analysis to meet your specific needs. The following are some of the services we offer:

DNA Modifying Enzymes Stability Analysis

  • Thermal Transfer Assays: We perform thermal transfer assays on DNA modified enzymes to measure their thermal stability and determine external factors that affect their stability.
  • Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy: We use circular dichroism spectroscopy to study the secondary structure, folding and stability of DNA modified enzymes under different conditions.
  • Size exclusion chromatography: We use size exclusion chromatography to study the oligomerization state, stability and conformational changes of DNA-modified enzymes.
  • Site-directed mutagenesis: We use site-directed mutagenesis to introduce specific amino acid substitutions into DNA-modified enzymes to study their effects on stability and function.

Our Features

  • Customized solutions: We offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients.
  • Customer satisfaction: Our team works closely with our clients to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing without compromising the quality of our services.


  • Understanding the DNA repair machinery: DNA modifying enzymes play a key role in the DNA repair pathway. Stability analysis can provide insight into the structural dynamics and stability of these enzymes during repair and improve our understanding of the DNA repair machinery.
  • Biomarker discovery: Stability analysis can determine the stability and conformational changes of DNA modifying enzymes in response to external stimuli or disease states, providing potential biomarkers for disease diagnosis and prognosis.


  • Results raw data
  • Data analysis
  • Results analysis
  • A summary of the experimental techniques used
  • A summary of the experimental techniques used
  • Description of the stability and function of DNA-modifying enzymes
  • Identification of external factors that affect protein stability
  • Detailed protocols for replication analysis

Why Choose Us?

Creative Enzymes provides customized solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients, and our team works closely with them to ensure customer satisfaction. Our services have various applications in drug discovery, biotechnological applications, and structural biology. Choose Creative Enzymes for reliable and accurate subunit aggregation analysis services.


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