Custom DNA Modifying Enzymes Service


DNA modifying enzyme services are an essential tool in molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology. Enzymes that specifically modify DNA are essential in genetic engineering, gene regulation, epigenetic research, cancer therapy and drug discovery. Creative Enzymes provides top-notch custom DNA modification enzyme services to assist researchers in exploiting the full potential of these enzymes. Our solutions cover a wide range of applications, from epigenetic research to drug discovery and industrial biotechnology.

Sepecific Custom DNA Modifying Enzymes Service We Offer

Creative Enzymes offers a comprehensive range of custom DNA modifying enzymes services based on our customers' needs. Our solutions include:

Sepecific Custom DNA Modifying Enzymes Service We Offer

  • Custom enzyme design: We design enzymes for specific target applications based on customer requirements.
  • Enzyme engineering: We can design enzymes with better activity, stability, selectivity, affinity or specificity through directed evolution, targeted mutagenesis or rational design.
  • Enzyme Characterization: We provide in-depth characterization of enzymes, including substrate specificity, kinetic constants, thermal stability and structural features.
  • Protein expression and purification: We have developed robust protein expression and purification protocols to deliver large quantities of highly purified proteins in a short period of time.


Protein Engineering and Directed Evolution: Directed evolution is a powerful technique for protein engineering and for generating variants with desirable properties by mimicking natural selection.

Site-directed mutagenesis: This approach involves the substitution, deletion or insertion of specific amino acid residues in the target protein. Our experts use PCR-based methods to introduce mutations at the desired site of the target gene, and then we express the mutated protein to assess its activity.

Rational design: In this approach, our experts design specific changes in the enzyme structure based on an understanding of the structure-function relationship. We use computer-assisted molecular modeling and simulation tools to predict the effect of introducing mutations on enzyme properties.


  • Epigenetic research: By designing DNMTs, DMRs, HATs, HDACs and other epigenetic enzymes, researchers can gain insight into the regulation of gene expression and the pathogenesis of various diseases, such as cancer and neurological disorders.
  • Industrial Biotechnology: Engineered DNA-modifying enzymes can be used in various industrial processes such as bioremediation, biosynthesis and biofuel production.

Our Features

  • For each custom project, we assign a team of expert chemists and biologists to help our partners define their research path and goals.
  • We also provide full assistance in realizing the scientific and business plan, as well as delivering the scientific and business plan.
  • Creative Enzymes is a leading enzyme technology company offering a trusted suite of services and solutions, especially with our extensive experience in DNA modifying enzyme service. 



  • Results raw data
  • Data analysis
  • Results analysis
  • Detailed report outlining the experimental procedures, results, and conclusions.
  • Sequencing data and sequence analysis report (if required)
  • Purified protein samples (if required)
  • Custom enzyme design or optimization strategy

Why Choose Us?

At Creative Enzymes, our goal is to apply innovative technologies to custom DNA modifying enzymes service. We offer innovative, flexible and scalable solutions that can meet the needs of our customers. We strive to meet this challenge as a global company that places a high priority on collaborative interactions, rapid delivery of solutions, and providing the highest level of quality. If you would like to know more about this service, please feel free to contact us.


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