Cloning Enzyme High-Throughput Cloning Service


Cloning is an important tool in molecular biology research to study gene expression, protein function and genetic engineering. However, traditional cloning methods can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, limiting the yield of experiments. High-throughput cloning techniques have revolutionized the way researchers approach cloning projects, enabling the rapid generation of large numbers of recombinant clones with minimal effort.

Specific Services We Offer

Creative Enzymes offers comprehensive high-throughput cloning services for clients who need to generate large numbers of recombinant clones for their research projects. Our services include:

Cloning Enzyme High-Throughput Cloning Service

  • Primer Design: We use bioinformatics tools to design high quality primers that can be used for PCR amplification of target genes.
  • PCR amplification: We use high fidelity polymerases to PCR amplify target genes to ensure the accuracy and fidelity of the amplified DNA fragments.
  • Cloning: We use a variety of cloning techniques, including restriction enzyme-based cloning.
  • Quality Control: We implement quality control measures to ensure the purity and stability of the resulting clones.


  • Primer Design: We use bioinformatics tools to design high quality primers that can be used for PCR amplification of target genes.
  • PCR Amplification: We use high-fidelity polymerases to PCR amplify target genes to ensure the accuracy and fidelity of the amplified DNA fragments.
  • Cloning: We use various cloning techniques to generate recombinant clones.
  • Quality Control: We take quality control measures to ensure the purity and stability of the resulting clones.
  • Delivery: The customer receives the final results in electronic format within the agreed upon time frame.

Sample Requirements

We require high quality DNA templates for high throughput cloning services. the purity and concentration of the DNA samples will affect the efficiency of the reaction. Customers should provide DNA samples that are free of contaminants such as salts, proteins and organic solvents.


We electronically deliver detailed reports outlining experimental procedures, data analysis, and conclusions within the agreed upon timeframe. Our report includes a comprehensive analysis of the generated recombinant clones to facilitate comparison with previous studies and data.

Our Features

  • Experienced Team: Our team of experts has extensive experience in high-throughput cloning technology and can provide customized solutions to meet the unique needs of each client.
  • Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing for our services, while maintaining high quality standards.
  • Flexibility and Customization: We work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements and provide customized solutions to meet their needs.

Why Choose Us?

Creative Enzymes offers a comprehensive high-throughput cloning service to generate large numbers of recombinant clones for molecular biology research. Our experienced team, quality assurance measures, efficient turnaround times, competitive pricing, flexibility, customization, and confidentiality make us an excellent choice for clients seeking reliable and customizable cloning services.


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