DNA Modifying Enzymes Functional characterization


DNA modifying enzymes have important contributions in epigenetic gene regulation, DNA repair and genome stabilization. Functional characterization of these enzymes is essential to understand their mode of action and interactions with other cellular components. Creative Enzymes provides you with a variety of DNA modifying enzymes functional characterization to meet your scientific research needs.


DNA Modifying Enzymes Functional characterization

  • Enzyme Assays: These biochemical assays measure the enzymatic activity of DNA-modifying enzymes on their substrates. They can be used to determine optimal reaction conditions, such as pH, temperature and cofactor requirements.
  • Gel electrophoresis: This method separates DNA fragments based on size and can be used to visualize the products of enzymatic reactions.
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP): This technique is used to identify regions of DNA bound by specific DNA modifying enzymes. It is useful for identifying target genes and understanding the role of the enzyme in epigenetic regulation.
  • Mass spectrometry: This method identifies post-translational modifications or protein-protein interactions that may be involved in regulating the activity of DNA modifying enzymes.

Sepecific DNA Modifying Enzymes Functional characterization We Offer

  • We perform enzymatic assays using a variety of substrates and assay conditions to determine the optimal reaction conditions and kinetic parameters for your DNA-modifying enzyme.
  • We use gel electrophoresis to visualize the products of the enzymatic reaction and to confirm the specificity of the enzyme to its substrate.
  • ChIP assays was used to identify the genomic regions to which your DNA modifying enzyme binds, providing insight into its role in epigenetic regulation and target genes.
  • Mass spectrometry was used to identify post-translational modifications or protein-protein interactions that may be involved in regulating the activity of your DNA modifying enzyme.


  • Enzymatic characterization, such as optimal reaction conditions and kinetic parameters
  • Visualization of enzymatic reactions using gel electrophoresis
  • Identification of ChIP data for enzyme-bound genomic regions
  • Identification of post-translational modifications or protein-protein interactions (if applicable) using mass spectrometry
  • Detailed protocols for replication analysis
  • Recommendations for future research and applications

Our Features

  • Customizable Solutions: We offer customizable solutions to meet the unique needs of our customers.
  • Fast turnaround times: Our efficient screening and optimization process ensures fast turnaround times for our customers.
  • Competitive pricing: We offer competitive pricing without sacrificing quality.

Why Choose Us?

Creative Enzymes is a professional DNA modifying enzyme functional characterization provider supporting a wide range of enzyme services. We are able to perform individual tests at the most precise level, as well as design and complete a suite of services as a solution to the subject project. We have accumulated years of quintessence in the field of DNA modifying enzyme functional characterization, helping our clients accelerate drug discovery and development and improve the overall success rate of their projects. If you would like to know more about this service, please feel free to contact us.


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