DNA Modifying Enzymes Hydrophobic Interaction analysis


DNA Modifying Enzymes Hydrophobic Interaction analysis

DNA-modifying enzymes play an important role in epigenetic regulation by modifying DNA and histones without altering the underlying DNA sequence, thereby affecting gene expression. Hydrophobic interaction analysis is a technique used to study the interactions between these enzymes and their substrates or other proteins. Creative Enzymes provides you with a variety of DNA modifying enzymes hydrophobic interaction analysis service to meet your scientific research needs.

Sepecific Assay Service We Offer

Hydrophobic interaction analysis is a chromatographic method for studying protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions based on differences in hydrophobicity. We offer a comprehensive hydrophobic interaction analysis service for DNA-modified enzymes to provide insight into their interactions with other proteins and ligands. Our services include:

  • Size exclusion chromatography: We perform size exclusion chromatography to study the oligomerization state and binding partners of your DNA modifying enzymes of interest.
  • Reverse phase chromatography: We perform reverse phase chromatography to study the affinity and specificity of your DNA modifying enzyme for other proteins or ligands.
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy: We perform fluorescence spectroscopy to study the interactions between your DNA modifying enzyme and other molecules.
  • Bioinformatics analysis: We perform bioinformatics analysis to analyze and interpret the data generated by our experiments.

Sample requirements

  • We require a minimum of 1 μg of purified enzyme or cell lysate per assay. We recommend that samples be frozen at -80°C until shipment.
  • Pdb structure of your DNA modifying enzymes for bioinformatics analysis


DNA Modifying Enzymes Hydrophobic Interaction analysis

  • Study protein-protein interactions: Hydrophobic interaction analysis can be used to study protein-protein interactions, providing insights into the formation of protein complexes and related regulatory mechanisms.
  • Develop therapeutic targets: Hydrophobic interaction analysis can identify potential therapeutic targets by studying the interactions between DNA-modifying enzymes and other molecules involved in disease development.
  • Identify new biomolecules: Hydrophobic interaction analysis can identify new biomolecules that interact with DNA modifying enzymes, allowing a better understanding of their function in cellular processes.


  • Results of size exclusion chromatography, including the oligomerization state and binding partners of your DNA modifying enzyme of interest.
  • Results of reversed-phase chromatography, including the affinity and specificity of your DNA modifying enzyme for other proteins or ligands.
  • Results from fluorescence spectroscopy, including interactions between your DNA modifying enzyme and other molecules.
  • Full bioinformatics analysis of the data, including structural modeling and docking studies to help interpret the experimental data.

Why Choose Us?

Creative Enzymes's hydrophobic interaction analysis services provide a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between DNA modifying enzymes and other proteins or ligands, enabling our clients to make significant contributions to the fields of molecular biology and biotechnology. Our team has experience with a variety of experimental methods and can customize your analysis to meet your specific needs.


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